2:33 (3:03 with the delay in video and audio): Court is back in session following the lunch break.
Prosecutor Shyamala Alagendra continues her examination of witness TF1-028:
Pros: We stopped when you were telling the court that the RUF group that came to Eddie Town had red headbands. But before we continue there, I would like to clarify some of the things you said this morning.
Wit: Right now I’m feeling pain in my head. I have a headache.
Judge Doherty: Do you need a Panadol or something?
Wit: Yes.
Judge Doherty: Speak to the WVS staff with you and explain what you need.
WVS officer: The witness says she would not like to proceed with her testimony. She’s sorry about it.
Judge Doherty: How long does she need?
WVS officer: She’s asking for 30 minutes.
Judge Sebutinde: During the lunch break, did you draw this headache to the attention of the people looking after you? Did you tell them?
Wit: When we were coming into the courtroom, that’s when I told her.
Judge Sebutinde: You realize we’re now going to waste some time when you could have used the lunch break to get some Panadol.
Wit: That is true.
Judge Doherty: We will take a break. I note the witness has asked for 30 minutes, but if the witness is ready before that, please inform us.
2:38 (3:08 with the delay in video and audio): Court adjourns.