9:30: Court resumed and defense counsel Terry Munyard continued his cross-examination of witness Jabati Jaward in open session.
Defense counsel Munyard asked several questions about arms trade that existed between the RUF and ULIMO and other factions in the Liberian region. The witness agreed that some form of arms trade took place with ULIMO through a bartter system where arms were sold by ULIMO fighters in exchange for looted goods. Asked whether he knew that all factions including NPFL, ULIMO, and the Liberian Peace Council sold arms to RUF, the witness said he was not aware of that.
Defense counsel furthere went through the witness’s written statement to the OTP which related to diamonds allegedly given to Jungle for Mr. Taylor. Witness said that while there were inconsitencies with his oral testimony in open court, those written statements were probably misquoted.
Defense counsel also asked the witness several questions about the number of people that followed Bockarie when he left the RUF for Liberia and how many of them were trained in the ATU.
Court adjourned for mid-morning break.