Open Society Justice Initiative Participates in Transitional Justice Debate

The Open Society Justice Initiative is participating in a new online discussion started this week on transitional justice in practice, which looks at how transitional justice processes are understood and carried out in a variety of different contexts. This discussion, hosted by New Tactics in Human Rights, is highlights several different areas for debate:

  • What is the role of human rights in transitional justice?
  • How have transitional justice actors addressed the tensions between peace and justice?
  • What is the relationship between international and local approaches to justice?
  • How can transitional justice better serve the interests of victims/survivors?
  • How do we measure the impact of transitional justice processes?
  • What innovations have practitioners developed to address deep-seated social, political, economic, and cultural divisions in post-conflict societies?
  • How are practitioners using new technologies to promote transitional justice?

Open Society Justice Initiative’s Legal Officer, Alison Cole, is participating in this debate as a conversation leader. She has experience working with the International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda, in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, and the International Criminal Court and will be commenting on areas of gender justice and how to address economic crimes through transitional justice mechanisms.

The online discussion will be continuing through May 23.


  1. Great! May I also draw readers’ attention to the online discussion currently hosted by our friends at the International Center for Transitional Justice, on the role journalism plays (or doesn’t play) in transitional justice situations:


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