Thomas Lubanga September 5, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Q&A With Paolina Massidda, Principal Counsel of the Office of the Public Counsel for Victims at ICC
Thomas Lubanga July 10, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Lubanga Given 14-Year Jail Sentence
Thomas Lubanga July 2, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Lubanga Sentence To be Delivered on July 10
Thomas Lubanga June 21, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor What Lubanga Told ICC Judges at His Sentencing Hearing
Thomas Lubanga June 21, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Defense Address at the Lubanga Sentencing Hearing
Thomas Lubanga June 18, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Address by Legal Representative of Victims at Lubanga Sentencing Hearing
Thomas Lubanga June 18, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Prosecutor’s Address At Lubanga Sentencing
Thomas Lubanga June 14, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Lubanga to ICC Judges: I am Not a Warlord But a Peacemaker
Thomas Lubanga June 12, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Lubanga Defense to Call Two Witnesses at Sentencing Hearing
Thomas Lubanga May 23, 2012September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Prosecutor Wants Sexual Crimes Considered in Lubanga Sentencing