Thomas Lubanga May 19, 2014September 2, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi At Appeals Hearing, Lubanga’s Former Guards Deny They Were Child Soldiers
Thomas Lubanga May 12, 2014September 2, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Prosecutor Suggests Limits to Lubanga’s Address to Appeals Judges
Thomas Lubanga May 2, 2014September 2, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Lubanga Appeals Witnesses to Testify on May 19 and 20
Thomas Lubanga March 24, 2014September 2, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Two Witnesses to Testify at Lubanga Appeals Hearing
Thomas Lubanga February 6, 2014September 2, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Prosecutor Denies Withholding Exculpatory Evidence from Lubanga’s Lawyers
Thomas Lubanga December 10, 2013September 2, 2020 by Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice Expert Paper: Modes of Liability: A Review of the International Criminal Court’s Current Jurisprudence and Practice
Thomas Lubanga October 2, 2013September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Judges Reject Lubanga’s Request For a Hearing to Schedule His Appeal
Thomas Lubanga August 21, 2013September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Lubanga Victims Must Apply to Participate in Ntaganda Proceedings
Thomas Lubanga July 22, 2013September 2, 2020 by International Justice Monitor Q&A With Paolina Massidda, Principal Counsel of the Office of the Public Counsel for Victims at the ICC