Germain Katanga & Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui November 13, 2015September 2, 2020 by Jennifer Easterday Germain Katanga Granted Early Release …and continuing cooperation with the court warrant a “substantial” reduction of his sentence. The judges found that a fifth factor—that although his early release may lead to some social instability…
Guatemala Trials November 10, 2015December 15, 2020 by Sophie Beaudoin Impunity Still the Rule for Grave Crimes Committed during Guatemala’s Civil War …August 25, 2015, the first instance high-risk court, after finding that Rios Montt no longer has sufficient mental capacities to face justice, ordered special procedures under which a new trial…
November 4, 2015March 16, 2018 by Anne-Marie Verwiel and Karlijn van der Voort Corporation Acquitted of Contempt at the Lebanon Tribunal …similar behavior if committed by a corporation based outside of Lebanon, and what material elements would apply in such an instance. For example, it is unclear whether the court would…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) October 28, 2015May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Les juges refusent de protéger le témoin des regards du public lors de son témoignage …voix ne seront pas déformés numériquement. L’avocat de première instance Diane Luping a fait remarquer que le témoin avait exprimé sa volonté de témoigner s’il se voyait accorder également une…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) October 23, 2015May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi L'ancien membre de l'UPC témoigne au sujet des systèmes de communication de la milice …les juges de première instance ont conclu qu’il y avait assez de preuves pour poursuivre M. Ntaganda pour une responsabilité pénale individuelle en tant qu’auteur direct, co-auteur indirect et en…
Guatemala Trials October 21, 2015December 15, 2020 by Sophie Beaudoin Appeals Court’s Decision Suspends Genocide Trial …be to split the trial of Rios Montt and Rodriguez Sanchez into two separate trials, with only Rios Montt’s held behind closed doors. In the first-instance decision, judges refused the…
October 16, 2015 by Gaelle Carayon Prosecutorial Discretion and the Need for a Stronger Voice for Victims …views and concerns. In the few instances in which victims have sought to challenge decisions to suspend investigations (in the DRC and more recently in the Kenya situations), the prosecution…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) October 8, 2015May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi La défense s'est opposé à l'admission de preuves sur des viols qui auraient été commis par M. Ntaganda Les avocats représentant Bosco Ntaganda devant la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) on demandé aux juges de première instance de ne pas admettre dans le dossier d’affaire de preuve relative aux…
October 8, 2015 by Jennifer Easterday Prosecution Does Not Oppose Katanga’s Release …there is little chance that Katanga’s early release would lead to significant social instability in the region. According to the defense, there has been a profound reconciliation between the Hema…
Germain Katanga & Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui October 7, 2015September 2, 2020 by Jennifer Easterday Prosecution Does Not Oppose Katanga’s Release …there is little chance that Katanga’s early release would lead to significant social instability in the region. According to the defense, there has been a profound reconciliation between the Hema…