Bosco Ntaganda June 15, 2020April 22, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Ntaganda Appeals Hearing Postponed Over COVID-19 …and fair trial considerations that would arise if they were to consider holding a virtual hearing. The issues raised by the lawyers included the ability of defense teams to install…
Review June 10, 2020May 6, 2021 by Yassir Al-Khudayri Raising the Bar Further: Professional Development for ICC Judges …effectively. For instance, ICC judges are nominated from two lists: List A and B. List A contains candidates who have competence and experience in criminal law and criminal proceedings, whereas…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) May 25, 2020May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Les réparations de M. Ntaganda : les juges nomment quatre experts mais ne dévoilent pas leurs identités La Chambre de première instance VI de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a nommé quatre experts pour la conseiller sur la nature et l’étendue des réparations dans l’affaire Bosco Ntaganda. Mais…
Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo May 20, 2020September 2, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Why ICC Judges Rejected Bemba's Compensation Claim …instances could include demonstrated or substantiated suspicion of corruption and lack of impartiality by judges or other examples of gross negligence in the administration of justice to the detriment of…
Review May 18, 2020May 6, 2021 by Jennifer Easterday It’s Complicated: The ICC Prosecutor’s Office and the Need for Reform …among other topics. Foster a more supportive, diverse, and ethical workplace. The pervasive toxic office culture within the OTP must change. Although there have been improvements, reported instances of harassment…
May 14, 2020May 14, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Prosecution, Defense Lawyers Say ICC Not Ready for Virtual Hearings …consider holding a virtual hearing. The issues they raised included the ability of defense teams to install and run robust systems to handle an online hearing, and the ability to…
May 7, 2020May 7, 2020 by Michael Reed-Hurtado Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Accountability Agenda …or other measures aimed at concentrating power, subverting the rule of law, and conducting manifest instances of governmental overreach. Various countries have seen the instrumental use of the pandemic to…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) April 30, 2020May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Le Covid-19 pourrait retarder la procédure en réparations du procès Ntaganda …sans parler des autres activités sur le terrain du Greffe ». Plus tôt dans le mois, le juge unique de la Chambre de première instance VI a demandé aux parties…
Bosco Ntaganda April 30, 2020April 22, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi COVID-19 Could Delay Ntaganda Reparations Proceedings …if the COVID-19 measures continue in their present form, they would affect defense work. For instance, the defense would need to conduct field missions, but this would only be possible…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) March 27, 2020May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Les avocats s’opposent au fait de contacter les victimes avant de définir les réparations dues par M. Ntaganda …Congo, en 2002 et 2003. M. Ntaganda a fait appel de la condamnation et de la peine de prison de 30 ans. En décembre dernier, la Chambre de première instance VI avait…