Bosco Ntaganda (Français) March 17, 2020May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi L’audience d’appel de M. Ntaganda est prévue pour juin 2020 …a affirmé que les juges de la Chambre de première instance VI avaient commis une erreur dans leurs conclusions relatives à deux incidents pour lesquels ils avaient acquitté M. Ntaganda…
Thomas Lubanga March 11, 2020September 2, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Lubanga, ICC Convict No.1 and Longest-Serving Detainee, Completes His Sentence Next Week …significant social instability. In December 2015, Lubanga and another former militia leader in Congo, Germain Katanga, were transferred to the DRC to serve the rest of their sentence from their…
Dominic Ongwen March 11, 2020May 11, 2021 by Lino Owor Ogora Community Members Question the Prosecution’s Evidence as Ongwen Trial Nears End …agreed with the defense; for instance regarding the element of Ongwen being abducted at an early age. I also think the issues of forced marriage and Ongwen’s mental illness were…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) February 27, 2020May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Le procureur demande aux juges de rejeter l’appel de la condamnation de M. Ntaganda …l’unanimité par la Chambre de première instance VI et condamné à 30 ans de prison en juillet dernier. Dans l’appel, M. Ntaganda soutient qu’un des juges de la chambre qui l’a condamné manquait…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) February 18, 2020May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Les victimes sont autorisées à participer à la procédure d’appel de la peine de M. Ntaganda …la Chambre de première instance VI sur les événements de l’hôpital de Mongbwalu et de l’église de Sayo. La Chambre de première instance n’a pas condamné M. Ntaganda pour les…
Bosco Ntaganda February 18, 2020April 22, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Victims Authorized to Participate in Ntaganda's Appeal Against Sentence …further considering his degree of participation in the different crimes. For instance, the defense faults trial judges for failing to concretely assess Ntaganda’s “limited degree of participation” in the five…
Laurent Koudou Gbagbo & Charles Blé Goudé January 31, 2020September 14, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Government Says Gbagbo’s Return Would Destabilize the Ivory Coast …on appeal. In such instances, the trial chamber, at the request of the prosecutor, may maintain the detention of the person pending the prosecution’s appeal. Gbagbo was charged over the…
Bosco Ntaganda (Français) January 28, 2020May 6, 2021 by Wairagala Wakabi Le Greffe de la CPI doit recenser les bénéficiaires des réparations de M. Ntaganda …la suite, les juges émettront leur ordonnance accordant réparations. Dans une ordonnance du 5 décembre 2019, le juge Chang-ho Chung, le juge unique de la Chambre de première instance VI,…
Guatemala Trials January 27, 2020December 15, 2020 by Jo-Marie Burt and Paulo Estrada A Perfect Storm: Guatemalan Judge Dismisses War Crimes Charges Against Feared Military Commissioner …notes. At the same time, the grassroots work developing cases and supporting victims did not appear to be as robust in this instance, particularly compared to other cases such as…
Laurent Koudou Gbagbo & Charles Blé Goudé January 22, 2020September 14, 2020 by Wairagala Wakabi Lessons from the Gbagbo Trial: Acquittals Are Also a Win for the ICC …the prosecution in many instances prosecuting cases that turn out to be different from the ones the OTP intended. “The threshold for permitting investigations is unreasonably low, so also is…